All our concerts are held in the church at 83 Portsmouth Road, which has one of the finest church organs in the south of England. We also have a fully restored c. 1892 Bechstein concert grand piano.
This is a modern church with excellent acoustics, and there is a loop system for the hard-of-hearing. There is easy wheelchair access and a warm and relaxed atmosphere where refreshments are also available.
Where To Find us
There is free parking at the rear. (Turn left into Buryfields at the bottom of Lawn Road, and then left again into Millmead Terrace.)
If you are walking from the town centre, we are close to the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre. Take the footpath over the river, past the Borough Council entrance and continue up Porridge Pot Alley. At the top, bear slightly left and immediately cross the road into Millmead Terrace. From here you can see the church. Walk straight up through the car park to the front entrance at 83 Portsmouth Road. (a short walk from the theatre).